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To our customers struggling with the impacts of Covid-19, we are here to support you!

We understand many are facing challenges and uncertainty, financially. If you have been affected by Covid-19 please contact us on +61 7 3620 7500, so we can help you through!

The team at CHARTER hope you and your families stay safe and well at this time.


Despite CHARTER remaining significantly unaffected by Covid-19 due to CHARTER's state of the art technology and the ability for teams to work efficiently and safely from home if required, we understand the impacts the pandemic has had on most, if not all industries and businesses. With that in mind, we have further refined the CHARTER approach. In these times, the CHARTER approach focuses significantly on customer experience and sensitivity. Our team is highly trained and experienced in managing and identifying hardships, we then curate a personalised solution to benefit all parties involved.

Our highly skilled teams develop communicative relationships with customers to monitor their situations delicately and adjust agreed upon plans accordingly.

CHARTER would like to take the opportunity to thank all doctors, nurses and front line workers for their hard work in these unprecedented times.

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